Increase your visibility in the community.
Sponsor a Night at the Michigan Theatre
Movies and live events have been a mainstay of the Michigan Theatre since opening in 1930. The Theatre strives to maintain programs that enrich the quality of life for residents and visitors alike. To help support the success of each event, we offer several sponsorship opportunities. It is our hope that you will partner with us in providing positive, entertaining outlets for the members of our community, especially in these tough economic times, when positive outlets such as these are vital. This will also provide you with an opportunity to reinforce your commitment to our community. By partnering with the Michigan Theatre, we will offer your business an avenue to increase visibility within the community. Reserve your Night at the Michigan today by contacting Steve Tucker at 517-783-0962 or stucker@michigantheatre.org.
Sponsorship Benefits
- Recognition on the marquee and media advertising.
- On-screen recognition prior to film presentation including your logo and announcement.
- Space in the lobby for display.
- 25 tickets for your guests to your sponsored movie.
- Events can include Free Family Night at the movies, Brew & View, Second Sunday Classic Movie, and special screenings.
- Concession packages are available for guests starting at $4 per person.
Contact Us
Get in Touch
124 N. Mechanic StreetJackson, Michigan 49201