The Historic Michigan Theatre
Michigan Theatre Memory Board
Welcome to our Memory Board! If you have a memory about the Michigan Theatre to share, please use the form near the bottom of this page.
Memory Board
Who can forget Hal Holbrook’s one man show, he was the embodiment of Mark Twain. It was extraordinarily hot and humid that night, no air conditioning, and everyone fanning with their program. It felt very southern. Soon we noticed small drifting chunks of flaking ceiling paint and plaster drifting atmospherically down and onto Hal. It all enhanced the performance and the actor embraced all the sweaty discomfort. The theatre was closed after his show for scheduled major renovations. My earliest memories include many girlish exploits with my best friend Shelia Smith. Most involve sneaky gradeschool behavior but our favorite was a bold impression of a bride and her attendants dramatically descending the grand staircase. The theatre was mostly unlocked during the day and made a fertile playground, the staff was indulgent.

Lelahni Wessinger
As a former resident of Jackson in the 60's this was a grand place to go! My grandmother worked at Jacobson's and we would often visit her.on matinee Saturdays. I remember seeing Bambi there with my mother who has passed. My memory is telling me that we saw Saturday Night Fever there, which was rated R I believe, and my mom took us to see it. She giggled in one part of it. She was an usher there also in her younger years.

Jeffrey McFadden